MATTHEW 4:23-25

Matthew 4:23–25 (ESV): 23 And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. 24 So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, those having seizures, and paralytics, and he healed them. 25 And great crowds followed him from Galilee and the Decapolis, and from Jerusalem and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan.

Hi, Dear wonderful child of The Mighty God in The High Heavens. Welcome to The Stable Sanctuary. The Holy Bible text illustrated above is an episode concerning the second tour of Galilee made by Jesus Christ. The people of the city of Galilee were quite amazing in that they really believed in Jesus Christ despite the fact that Christ was just in His initial stages of His ministry. Jesus had just recruited his first four disciples; namely Peter, Andrew, James and John. Note that Peter and Andrew were brothers; while James and John were also brothers. This indicates that in any mission work , the testimony of two or three is of high regard in God’s Kingdom. It is imperative to work as a united team.

Back to the people of the city of Galilee; they loved Jesus Christ so much, yet they had not known  Him for a long time. They  were  true believers. It is from Galilee that the fame of Jesus Christ spread even to territories outside Israel; check verse 24. Any where that Jesus Christ is received  great things must happen regardless of situations and circumstances.


Having received Jesus Christ with great joy and high expectations, the  people brought all sick people who had different kinds of diseases,sicknesses and torments ; including those tormented by devils and evil spirits . Jesus Christ healed all of them . People who had psychological disorders were not left behind. All were taken to Jesus Christ; The Great physician. He attended to them all one by one and restored their health so well and fully . From this experience, we realize that Jesus Christ is a loving and caring person. We are also called upon to show love and care to people experiencing health challenges so as to assist them to be restored back to normalcy. Through prayer and dedication to service to humanity, we can carry out the same works that Jesus Christ has called us to undertake the way he did. He does not change.


The Gospel of the kingdom of God is the main mission of Jesus Christ. He preached , taught , provided for physical, spiritual, psychological and social needs and requirements of humanity. Jesus Christ called upon people to repent, follow Him so as to access the ” Blessed status” ; which is a life of victory. As followers of The Son of God , we are to do the same. We have to greatly inspire God’s people to come to the knowledge of His word, accept His will and embark on a lifelong journey of being ambassadors of goodwill to their fellow humans and the natural environment as well. Hereby, we urge you to join this mission field which is very exciting.


 Now , check verse 25. Yes. Great multitudes from Galilee, Decapolis ( ten cities) the eastern side of Jordan River, Jerusalem, Judaea and beyond other territories: all followed Jesus Christ; The Great Minister of God’s will . Most wonderful indeed. Reason? The Great power of God was in Him. God never fails. When He calls you, He knows you are a winner all the way. He leads as you follow.Infact , Jesus Christ never turns anyone away. He has all that it takes to access good speed and success in any undertaking. Anywhere. The Holy Spirit of the Living God becomes our most wonderful helper ; leading the way forward.


Trusting in God by believing in His dear son , Jesus Christ , can make great things to happen in one’s life . People are able to attain great destiny status by simply anchoring their faith in Jesus Christ. Great wonderful miracles happen where true believers call upon God to manifest His power and goodness. The value of believing is wonderfully depicted by the people of the city of Galilee; from whom we realize that they believed in Jesus; yet they had not known Him for a long time. We are called upon to repent, follow Jesus Christ and attain the Status of the blessed people of God. The Holy Spirit of The living God is very ready to guide us and lead us into success.

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