GOD POURS SALVATION, John 14:15-17, Ecclesiastes 3:11-15, John 7.38



John 14:15-17

If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

Hallelujah! To know our Lord Jesus Christ and love Him dearly is one of the greatest blessing one can ever experience. He comes with tremendous power,much loving kindness and Eternal Truth.To keep His Commandments is likened to keeping His word in One’s heart. To such a one,evil cannot prevail. It therefore calls upon Him to be much closer to us on a day to day basis;and it becomes His beloved habit to pray the Father in Heaven to send His Holy Spirit to stay in us for always,forever.

One is endued with power to do good works for the glory of God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Living God. He is Omnipresent; that is He is present everywhere . He is omniscient; meaning He knows all things everywhere.He is omnipotent, that’s to say He is all powerful in all places.

Nothing is hidden from His presence . That is the Great God of Wonders who has immensely poured His salvation through dear Son Jesus Christ.So when one receives Jesus Christ,one receives all things in this life and the life to come , eternal life. What a Mighty God we serve!

Ecclesiastes 3:11-15

I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, And nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. That which is has already been, And what is to be has already been; And God requires an account of what is past.

For you,dear esteemed reader,God has made everything beautiful to behold and receive; that the good world He created may be in your reach .This will make you a co-worker with God to fulfill His great purposes to people around you. In fact you are highly destined to rejoice always and do good wherever you go.One’s lifestyle has to reflect the goodness of God.Why? It is because when you carry God,you carry everything good.His nature is goodness. As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord,walk and move in Him.Salvation is a gift of God to mankind. God expects you now to do good works,bear much fruit and remain radiant always.

As the earth drinks in the rain, as the sea receives the streams and as the oceans receive the rivers ,as the night accepts the light from the sun and other stars,so we giving God nothing receive so much freely from His divine grace. Finally,we become streams of life for other people.

John 7.38

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. One becomes a vessel into which God pours His Great salvation and it becomes wells of living water. We say water is life. Receiving from God is a reality .Substantial .Circumstantial. All things in our life become new as the grace of God takes over to redirect our steps. The Bible states that the steps of a man are ordered by the Lord.

Kindly do not hesitate to listen to the small,still,humble, polite voice of Jesus Christ. He says come unto me,I will give you rest[Matthew 11:28] To access the potential in this verse ,I may refer you back to Matthew 11:25-30

Now,One can easily access the wonder of God’s truth as herein stated by Jesus Christ,The son of the living God. Without faith,Jesus Christ is just a name we may not understand. By an act of faith,Jesus Christ becomes a real person in the consciousness of our heart.

Receiving Jesus Christ appropriates Him to oneself. He becomes part and parcel of one’s life and being and deeds and actions.He becomes an intimate personal friend.He provides all that one needs .He protects us. He keeps us to Himself and nothing can happen to us without His knowledge or permission. He becomes one’s lifestyle.

Regardless of your situation or circumstances I dearly commend you to Jesus Christ who will henceforth take good care of your Life and actions. He alone is most affectionate .
Finally, salvation may be described just like when a visually impaired person receives his or her total sight by an act of a miracle and a hearing impaired receiving an ability to hear well also by an act of a miracle.

Maybe just imagine when a chronically ill person receives total healing instantly and begins to celebrate joyfully.What a spectacle do you anticipate?Marvellous.

Glory be to God in the highest Heavens.

Stay blessed in Jesus Christ.

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